A pioneer in the thermoplastic powder coating manufacturing industry

How to innovate in the plastic powder industry in Zhejiang
TIME:2021-03-16 09:40:11   HITS:362

For a long time, Zhejiang plastic powder has been a very well-known product in China, and it was very popular in the urban decoration industry in the past. For a long period of time, the export volume of Zhejiang plastic powder has been very large, which directly opened up the international market. market. However, it is becoming more and more difficult for Shandong powder coatings to export. Then, how should Zhejiang plastic powder manufacturers respond? As the saying goes, if you want to change this situation, you must first analyze the cause of the problem, and then take corresponding measures in a targeted manner. In recent years, the main reasons for the hindrance of the export of my country's coating products are the lack of innovation of products, the unclear brand market positioning, and the shortage of labor market, which restrict the export of my country's coating products. In order to reverse the export dilemma, coating companies must break through their own limitations and improve product innovation. Perhaps only in this way, Shandong powder coatings will once again open the international market. The export situation of coating products is not ideal, which is mainly due to the lack of innovation of my country's coating products. It is understood that the innovation of coating products has not been developed rapidly in recent years, indicating that the road to innovation in the coatings industry is not easy. What kind of innovative products can be loved by traders? The industry generally believes that innovation based on practicality can increase traders' desire to buy. At present, the international market has very high requirements for product individuation. If coating companies want to get rid of the development difficulties and go international, strengthening their innovation capabilities is the key. Throughout the coatings market, the best-selling coatings are often products that are convenient to use, rather than products that are maverick, different in style, but have no use value. To improve the innovation of coating products, we must first break through the limitations of coating companies. Regardless of whether it is a large-scale enterprise or a small and medium-sized enterprise, if you want to break through its own limitations, you can use the following three methods to make the enterprise step up to a new level: 1. Exploring new business operation models, integrating and optimizing corporate resources. For example, the rapid development of the Internet era brought about the surging trend of e-commerce, and the sales channels of coating companies ushered in new opportunities. 2. Extend the original paint product unit, change the product structure of the enterprise, and develop in the direction of diversified industries to expand market share. 3. Develop new technologies and develop new functional coating products. At the same time, whether it is the exploration of new business operation models or the development of new technologies, coating companies must have sufficient funds as support, and new products need to have a strong brand influence as a backing if they want to quickly open the market. . Therefore, in 2015, only when coating companies continue to upgrade in environmental protection production, Internet reform, resource integration, etc., can they become more stable and farther. Not only innovation hinders the export of coating products, but the unclear brand and market positioning of coating products are also important reasons for poor export. According to industry insiders, the individual needs of foreign markets are more clear. If domestic coatings are to be exported, they must be targeted to adapt to the tastes of international consumers, and to design personalized products in a targeted manner to strongly shape the company's products. Distinctive, impressive personality or image, and vividly convey this image to them, so that the product can determine the appropriate position in the market, therefore, who can find the international positioning, who can win foreign market.